Beyond Geometry_ MOA Gallery

Drawing works by :

Kim Misang_ Korea
Kim Incherl_ Korea
Maria Fullaondo_ Spain
Moon Hoon_ Korea
Park Joonho_ USA
Park Taehong_ Korea
Bang Chullin_ Korea
Back Moonki_ Korea
Santiago Porras Alvarez_ Spain
Ciro Marquez_ Spain
Woo Kyungkook_ Korea
Eric Reeder_ USA
Jun Inho_ Korea
Peter Farman_ Australia

Gallery MOA Heyri Art Valley, Korea

Public Opening- 06 April 2012---09 May 2012

condenCITY_90 white

" The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. "
          - William Gibson, 1984- Neuromancer      

condenCITY_89 erased

At the time I took these photos, it was early 1998 and the fate of Currigan Exhibition Hall had already been set. These are the building as it was, in its last years- much unchanged since it's completion in 1969 and for the most part as you can see here, well preserved in it's nearly 30 years of operation. Currigan Hall, for Denver, represented progress in structural ingenuity and spatial opportunity- refined in its restraint and early modern form. Designed by the late William C. Muchow and Associate Architects, it was one of the first space frame structures to afford a column free space of 100000 sf. It's spatial equivalent unequal anywhere in the western US region. 

Sadly, its demolition became final in 2002 and in its place a new convention center hardly worth mentioning here. The appeal of Currigan was its tectonic clarity; with structure (inside and out) and exterior facade material, woven tightly in  functional expression. Currigan was transformational in its bold, rhythmically repetitive contrast to the historic revival structures surrounding it. Yet remained intricately delicate (in visual dialogue) as experienced up close via exposed connective details. According to city records, it was too new to be deemed worthy of saving- not 'historical' enough, in other words. 

Erased, but worth while in memory.