Condencity_25 temporary city

The recently completed Prada Transformer in Seoul is Rem Koolhaas's latest installation. Sited on the grounds of the historic Gyeonghui Palace in Seoul, the Transformer is an exercise in urban transformation. The idea behind the pavilion is to exhibit three different programs (fashion, film, and art) spanning an approximate three month period. With each new show the pavilion is rotated by crane, transforming the tent like structure to suitable position for each of the planned events.

I visited the Transformer on a bright Saturday morning recently. It is a simple steel structure wrapped in a tight elastic, translucent membrane similar to that used in industrial machine storage. On this day the taught fabric shimmered and danced in the brilliant mid-spring sun. The pavilion lightly touches down with steel pin connections onto concrete footings, mindful of the historic temple grounds close behind.

Like so much of Seoul, the installation represents a willingness of change and progress; a delicate balance of fragile history with the reality of today's unlimited possibility.

To read more about the project visit the official website: Prada Transformer Seoul


Melissa Andrada said...

This is great, I'll be visiting Seoul in a few days and am really looking forward to this exhibit.

Eric Reeder said...

Enjoy your stay in Seoul! Be sure to contact the Prada exhibit prior to visiting for an RSVP. The cost is free but visiting does require advanced notice. It is possible to just go, but without reservation you might have to wait for some time to get in depending on the number of people ahead of you.