Monumental City

Beijing is a city of monuments.

The vastness of the city is punctuated with grand architectural marvel. Separate only by time and distance, numerous structures stand sybolically of a common inginuity. Scale and presense contribute to a saturated experience. With each long repetitive step through Beijing, we laborioulsy cross time with the projected idea of a place amitious to construct a city worth preserving.


girlplusdog said...

I stumbled on your blog as I was trying to find more information about Korea. It's a great blog! I might be moving to Korea to teach English although my degrees are in art history/architecture/historic preservation.


Eric Reeder said...

Thanks for your nice compliments! Seoul is a great city to live as a foreigner but challenging and different as well. Anytime spent here will be a great life experience for you. Check the links above for more info..